Evansburg State Park Activation

After a busy week, I was in dire need of a QRP-portable outing. I opted for an early morning trip to Evansburg State Park (K-1351, KFF-1351), since I’m slowly inching my way to a “Repeat Offender” award there. 

It was a chilly morning with below freezing temperatures, so there weren’t many people in the park when I arrived. I parked next to a wooded area and started setting up. As I was setting up the antenna, I encountered an overhanging branch that was in the way. After moving to a better spot, I was back in business. I used my usual setup with my Penntek TR-35 (5 watts CW) and 12-foot whip with a homebrew loading coil.

My location next to a pile of downed trees
My location next to a pile of downed trees

I spent most of my time on 40M and 30M today, with my last few contacts on 20M. All in all, I made 39 contacts, with two European contacts (Italy and France).

For the past couple of weeks, I have been sitting at 299 park-to-park contacts, just one shy of the next award level. With five P2P contacts today, I easily crossed the 300 mark. 

My park-to-park total starting out today
My park-to-park total starting out today

When my supply of hot coffee ran out, it was time to pack up and head home. The weather man says warm temperatures are on the way this week. I’m looking forward to that.

73, Craig WB3GCK

4 thoughts on “Evansburg State Park Activation”

  1. Congratulations on reaching 300 P to P for the next step up. Just wondering if you have operated from PUNXSUTAWNEY PA home of the Ground Hog.


    1. Thanks. No, I’ve never been to Punxutawney. We’re thinking about going up there next year for the Ground Hog Day activities. 73, Craig WB3GCK


    1. Thanks, Andrew. Compared to other more serious POTA/WWFF activators, it’s a minor accomplishment. But, it’s still nice to reach another award level. 73, Craig WB3GCK


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