20M Activation at Ridley Creek

Today I did something I don’t think I have done before: a single-band activation. Normally, I spend time on several bands. Today, however, I wanted to see how my 17-ft whip would perform mounted directly to the antenna mount on my truck (sans loading coil). 

I drove down to Ridley Creek State Park (US-1414, KFF-1414) this morning and set up in one of the picnic areas. After mounting the antenna, I broke out my antenna analyzer. Since the fully extended whip is approximately a quarter-wave on 20M, I wasn’t surprised by the SWR readings. With 15 feet of RG-8X coax attached, the SWR was a flat 1.45 across the band. So I fired up my Penntek TR-35 (5 watts, CW) and hung out on 20M for the next hour.

My 17-foot whip mounted on my truck at Ridley Creek State Park (US-1414, KFF-1414)
My 17-foot whip mounted on my truck at Ridley Creek State Park (US-1414, KFF-1414)

When I checked the band conditions, I saw the geomagnetic field was “unsettled.” Solar wackiness notwithstanding, I logged my first 10 contacts in about 12 minutes. European signals weren’t very strong this morning, but I still managed three DX contacts: two from Italy and one from France. An hour’s effort produced 26 contacts, including four park-to-park contacts. 

I’m planning to dust off a 25 year old 20M QRP rig and use it for a future activation. This antenna configuration might come into play for that. Stay tuned…

72, Craig WB3GCK

2 thoughts on “20M Activation at Ridley Creek”

  1. I saw your call on the POTA Spot website. I tuned up to your frequency but was unable to copy you on 20 meters here in VA. I listened to your frequency for about 15 minutes but was unable to copy you. Hope to catch you on a future POTA chase.

    73 DE AI4LL


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