(Antenna) Size Matters

I went back to Marsh Creek State Park (US-1380, KFF-1380) for a quick activation this morning, and things got off to an interesting start. After setting up my trusty Penntek TR-35 (5 watts, CW) and 12-foot loaded whip, things just didn’t seem right. My SWR on 40M was high, and even my Elecraft T1 antenna tuner couldn’t get it lower than 3:1. 

I started checking cables and connections, but everything looked OK. Heck, it’s not a very complicated antenna, so there isn’t much that can go wrong. When I got out of the truck to change to another antenna, I noticed my 12-foot whip looked a little shorter than usual. I took the whip off and immediately found the problem. In my haste to get set up this morning, I neglected to extend the top section of the telescoping whip. Doh! Once I pulled the top section out and re-installed the whip, all was right with the world again. 

Using a notepad as an impromptu sun shield for my Penntek TR-35
Using a notepad as an impromptu sun shield for my Penntek TR-35

Despite getting off to a slow start, my results weren’t too bad (by my standards). I finished with 36 contacts, including one known park-to-park contact. I had one DX contact with IW2NXI.

I finished my activation just in the nick of time. An hour after I got home, there was a major geomagnetic storm in progress. Timing is everything.

73, Craig WB3GCK

2 thoughts on “(Antenna) Size Matters”

  1. I’ve done that before too Craig. My Chinese 18.5 ft whip has 12 pullout sections and it’s so easy to miss one. BTW, I heard the TR35 doesn’t have any SWR meter, how do you check SWR, external tuner?


    1. I use the T1 ATU to touch up the SWR on 40M and 30M. The T1’s status LEDs indicated an SWR of 3:1 (or greater) on 40M. Normally, the T1 brings the SWR down to 1:1 in a couple of seconds.


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